Playing with Stamps, Embossing Powders & Shrink Film

My Cricut had a HUGE work out on Wednesday - three and a half hours of constant cutting.  I had designed bulletin board borders and fill for my future daughter in law's classroom.  Crissie is a theater teacher so I used tickets as the theme.  Most teachers need a word wall - words that apply to their area of study.  For part of the border I cut Crissie's theater words in the tickets, backing the tickets in a contrasting color, filling in the negative areas (middle of D, P, O, etc), making the words readable.  I also made large, super-sized tickets for Crissie to use a mats for her photos of Broadway shows.  There were more cuts, some very detailed and some very simple. 

My son was in town for two days and I wanted to send Crissie' bulletin board cuts home with him to save myself a trip to the post office (I hate going to the post office!).  To wind up this long tale, I taught Aaron to use my Cricut with Design Studio.  I had to cut one page in my design over and over again so I decided Aaron could do this.  He did great, and cut the ticket borders while I worked on the word wall tickets. 

Aaron left for home a bit later than he planned, but with all of the materials for Crissie's bulletin boards in tow. 

After that work out I decided that my Cricut had earned a rest.  Actually I intended to cut pieces for a card and use an older set of Close to My Heart stamps, but I started playing with the stamp set and never used the Cricut.

I was using an older fall stamp set.  I begin by stamping a solid pumpkin in embossing ink onto textured cardstock.  I then used three colors of embossing powders to highlight and define the shape.  I used scissors to cut out the stamped image. 

I used oval nestabilities and cut out matting for my pumpkin.  And at this point I took a serious detour through - play - with - toys - in - a - new - way - land!

I came across a package of shrink film and decided to play with that.  Actually at first I wondered if I could stamp on acetate and let it dry.  It never dried nicely.  So I moved on to shrink film.  I stamped the pumpkin shaped word overlay stamp (the same size as the embossed pumpkin) onto the film.  I cut out the pumpkin and then used my embossing gun to shrink the film.  It looked good, except it needed color. 

I stamped the base pumpkin and colored in the shape with orange Copic marker.  I then stamped the words over the marker.  After shrinking the pumpkin with the heat embossing gun I had created the pumpkin charm on the front of the card!

Basically I spent three hours playing with embossing powders, stamps, acetate, shrink film and ink... And ALL I managed to create was one Thanksgiving card.  (Shaking my head at myself) ....  I am a bit amused and a bit annoyed with myself.  On the other hand, I did have a learning opportunity with the shrink film.