Blog Hop Winner Plus Friday's This & That

Happy Friday everyone!  While many of you are doing your "TGIF" dance, I am making a road trip.... Ian's fall break is over so I am returning him to Atlanta today.  Classes start again on Monday and this will give him a couple of days to settle back in to life in his apartment.

I did remember that today is BLOG CANDY WINNER day.  Once again I would like to thank CUSTOM CROPS for sponsoring this month' s Bitten by the Bug 2 blog hop!!  I used to generate a random winner.

And the winner is: 

Jill (who) said...
Love the quote "Piles of Smiles"! So cute! Nice card!

Congratulations Jill, you will be hearing from Custom Crops soon!

Some of you may recall that several weeks ago I photographed my daughter in our backyard, using a side and corner of the house as backdrops/props for the photographs.  While I had Ian at home, he too agreed to a 10 minute backyard photo shoot.  Seriously, he only gave me 10 minutes!

I photographed Ian on the same side/corner of our house where Bethany was photographed.  Then we moved further into the backyard.

Ian brought out his Gretsch guitar (which he loves) and allowed me to grab a few more shots of him and his favorite toy!

I thought the photos turned out well for a 10 minute photo shoot!  I wonder how well we could have done if Ian had given me a half an hour??!!?

I hope you all have a great Friday!