Chocolate Cupcake, Blog Hop, and Fabulous Blog Hop Candy

Wow, what a great Monday morning! 

First - it is the monthly BBTB2 Design Team Blog Hop!  That means you probably arrived here from BBTB2.  The featured cut this week is one of the cupcakes from the Celebrations cartridge.  I cut my cupcake in chocolate brown paper with pink frosting and gem flower sprinkles.  I then added a birthday hat, a scalloped card front and a Happy Birthday tag made with Stampin' Up stamps and Spellbinders oval nesties to create this girly birthday card.  I topped the birthday hat off with a lovely prima flower and a larger gem flower and trimmed both the hat and the cupcake wrapper with Making Memories ribbon

In addition to the blog hop, we have a lot going on at BBTB2.  BBTB2 has a blog hop give away which is being sponsored by Everyday Cricut (formerly known as Holiday with the Cricut).  You can win the Sweethearts cartridge and package of SEI (Happy Day) scrap paper.  All you have to do to be eligible to win is leave a comment on BBTB2 blog AND sign up to follow the BBTB2 blog.  How easy is that?

I too have a fabulous blog hop give away/blog candy.  Custom Crops is sponsoring me this week with a $25.00 gift voucher for their store.  Just leave a comment below and I will select a winner for the gift voucher on Thursday, March 4th.  Thank you so much Custom Crops for sponsoring my prize this month!

After you leave your comment below you (because YOU KNOW you want the $25.00 gift voucher) you will continue on the BBTB2 design team blog hop.  Your next stop is at Lori's blog.  Lori is a very talented designer and I know you are going to love what she has made to share.  Happy Hopping!!

Out of Order for the Week

I needed a big sign hanging on over my shoulders this week which read: "OUT OF ORDER".  No that is not a Robert's Rules of Order reference, but rather the state of my existance.  I had a rather unpleasant stomach virus.  I finally turned the corner yesterday and was feeling better, that is until dinner tonight.  I think I over estimated my ability to handle "real food". 

I was on the BRAT diet for a few days, but last night I decided I could have a light meal.  The light meal went so well that I over reached tonight.  Now my stomach is not happy with me, nor I with it!

I really am sharing so that you might understand where I have been this week.  I will return early, early Monday morning with my BBTB2 project, AND the blog hop, AND a nice sponsored prize.  So visit me again on Monday and in the meantime, try to avoid the germs that are floating about this winter!

Not wanting to post an "empty" entry, I am sharing photographs of Sheldon Church Ruins (originally named "Church of Prince William's Parish"), a magical place in the southern part of the state, near the ocean.  The church was burned down twice and was not rebuilt the last time.  The first time it was burned by the British in the Revolutionary War; the second time it was burned by Gen. Sherman's forces as they marched though during the Civil War.  Such a beautiful place to have such a sad history.

Complex Magazine: Kelis

Kelis is back on the scene and she is featured in the February/March issue of Complex Magazine. The outspoken new mom talks Fashion, Music, Kids and beauty, Honey is gorgeous!


I love Tabi Bonney, I think his voice is so unique. This video is definitely easy on the eyes since Raheem DeVaughn is in it.. DAMN he is beautiful!

Welcome back .....

I'M BAACCCKKKKKKK and so is Mr. West! It feels like we've been gone from the scene for a minute but you can stop holding your breath now [;. Kanye West is ending all is silence with his world premiere video for Coldest Winter. He always have the best concepts and I'm loving it. Glad to have you back, and I'm feeling good to be back.

Save up!

Head on over to Miss Famous Store, we are having 55% off all clearance items untill 2/28! Use code ALMOSTSPRING at checkout =) , also you could use my rep code for 10% off all other items, which is KM0809
We have great stuff from, Kweenz Destroy, Cubannie Links, Good Wood, Toki Doki and more!!

V.V. In Wonderland. . .

Here at Don't Trip...Yet, we love Jasmin also known as Vintage Vandalizm . This amazing woman always surprises me with her great sense of style and her personal twists to her every day outfits. As you can tell, she doesn't march to the beat of the Fashion world's drums but to her own, If you're not familiar with her, well get with it. Trust me, you will be seeing more of her....
Now one of her recent posts just blew me away, my mouth was open! I was like
"wow she really did this?!"
If you see the following images you'll understand why....

It is pretty obvious what her inspiration behind this was, the movie "Alice in Wonderland" of course. This movie is highly anticipated which drops March 5th! I cannot wait to see this movie and see one of these lovely outfits in person ;)

My favorite has to be the White Rabbit costume along with the Madd Hatter!

Great job Jasmin! I also suggest for you guys to add her website to your 'Daily Reads'...... and visit her website to see more images and details!

Claw Money Spring 2010

Ohhh Spring where are you?? Clothes like these make me want to move to Florida and forget this wintry New York City weather.... Claw Money debuts their Spring 2010 line and my favorite pieces are: the body suit, the tanks, hell with it I love it all!

"..a girly collection inspired by hot, carefree days in NYC and local girls who love long summer nights, city escapades and getting high on fashion"

Prices range from $40 -90, so what are you waiting for?
Click here to shop at Claw Money!

Sunshine Award from Beverly!

Thank you Bev from Altered Paper Arts (you MUST go see Bev's great projects) for this sweet, sweet award.  This award goes to people that the sender believes post interesting comments, or to those who create art that is appealing, or to the spreader of sunshine.

UNFORTUNATELY, I can only pick 6 blogs on whom to bestow this award - and there are so many kind and creative people in the blogosphere, so many spreaders of sunshine, all of whom deserve this award!

Six of my many, many favorites, in no particular order:

      Nikki at Two Bugs and a Crafting Junkie

      Dawn at Dawn's Stamping Thoughts

      Joy at Obsessed with Scrapbooking

      Melanie at Courtney Lane Designs

       Donna at Popsicle Toes

       Jeannie at A Place For My Cards

So here are the rules:
Please share some sunshine with your friends by:
  1. Placing the Sunshine image on your blog or within your post.
  2. Pass the award onto six bloggers
  3. Link the nominees within your post.
  4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
Thanks for all of the inspiration and Sunshine ladies!

If You Where smart...

& I know you are..You listened to me like a month ago when I told you to hit up and get your FREE digital Subscription for 1year. That's taste just like candy. You would have received the newest Issue featuring Katy Perry (I want to be just like her when I grow up) parlayin' on the cover of March. The gems inside are even more shiny! So get your Copy asap. Peace I'm off to reading suckas.

Fifty State Paper Doll Swap

I finally finished the paper dolls for the 50 State Paper Doll Swap I joined on the Cricut message board.  Someone kick me the next time I sign up for a swap that does not pre-list the conditions!

I had to make 50 paper dolls, 25 each from two states, Georgia and South Carolina.  We were supposed to make the dolls four inches tall and include accessories.

I made this cute beach scene to represent South Carolina - We do have a lot of fabulous beaches!  My accessories include a Palmetto Palm tree, the state tree, with a tag bearing the state tourism motto. 

For Georgia I had a brain block.  I could only think of Georgia peaches.  So... I made peach farmers.

The baskets were a bit more time consuming than I had planned.  I added a wheelbarrow as an accessory, with the title, Georgia - The Peach State. 

I cut a fill sheet of the peaches at .70 inches.  I used a copic marker and colored the stems and leaves before removing the peaches from the mat. 

I will put my swaps in the mail tomorrow and hopefully they will get to Jen by Thursday.

Sigma Makeup

These are hands down the best brushes you will ever get for your money. The lovely people over at sigma makeup sent me a complete brush set AND brush roll. The total for that package is around 100 dollars, which is less than 3 MAC brushes, and included in your complete set you get TWELVE professional brushes. And they come delivered to you in this beautiful sheer bag

The value of these brushes is no joke, the brush roll is this very nice leather, all of the brushes are comparable to MAC brushes (in terms of uses), but I feel as though the might even surpass them in quality. They feel so soft, and they have a brush for your every need. They are simply AMAZING. So all my makeup lovers out there, SAVE YOUR MONEY, and just buy the set from Sigma Makeup, you will NOT regret it!

I’m actually trying to get my hands on the premium set now! I cannot stop raving about these brushes! If you end up ordering some, let us know how you liked them, and tell them DTY sent ya!

click here to head over to Sigma Makeup.

Circus Birthday Wishes

I am a bit late posting my BBTB2 project today.  I usually write my post before going to bed on Sunday evening and set the blog to post in the middle of the night.  Last night I was too tired to write.  I spend much of Sunday evening working on 50 paper dolls for a message board swap (more on this tomorrow).

So on to my BBTB2 project.  The challenge cut of the week is the elephant from the Everyday Paper Doll cartridge.  The elephant is really cute and I have been told that the trunk is extended in a "lucky" pose.  I used the elephant to make a birthday card for my nephew, Carter, who will be two later this spring. 

I added two train cars from EDPD as well as a scalloped border from Accents Essentials.  I wanted the card to be fun and bright - but I may have gone too far.  The Happy Birthday mini stamp is from a Dacie's set and was cut out with oval nesties.  All in all, not my best work, but I still love this cute elephant!

Chocolate Cake IS Serious Dessert Time!

I have been MIA from my scrap room this week.  Family and work have kept me busy, which was nice.  But I have no such excuses for today. I have spent a big part of the day in the kitchen and I enjoyed every moment (except for the milk splash).  I made a layered salad as a side dish for dinner, which is done is staged steps.  And then I moved on to dessert!   I made this FABULOUS Chocolate Zucchini Pecan multi-layer cake!

For those who may be wondering, I am going to be including an occasional recipe here on my blog.  In addition to paper crafting, I also really enjoy cooking.  I am currently especially enjoying baking, but I will add other recipes as time passes. 

And speaking of baking, I love chocolate cake.  Chocolate cake is the stuff of serious dessert time!  And this cake is better than most.  The layers are sweet and moist.  The zucchini cooks nicely so that it is not screaming "veggies hiding here".  And the nuts are a nice flavor and texture addition.   And the frosting.  OH MY GOSH!  Fluffy, sweet, and creamy.

I am including the cake recipe below, include my adjustments.  This cake would be great with several different types of frosting.  I went with flour paste based frosting, one and one-half batches of my recipe (posted previously).  Yummy.

Chocolate Zucchini Pecan Cake
• 3 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
• 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
• 1.5 teaspoon baking soda
• 1.5 teaspoon salt
• 3 1/2 cups sugar
• 3/4 cup (1.5 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
• 3/4 cup vegetable oil
• 3 large eggs
• 1.5 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 3/4 cup buttermilk
• 3 cups grated unpeeled zucchini (about 2 1/2 medium)
• 1 1/4 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 325°F. Prepare three 9-inch cake pans with butter and flour.
Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt into medium bowl; set aside.
Beat sugar, butter and oil in large bowl until fluffy. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla extract. Mix in dry ingredients alternately with buttermilk in 3 additions each. Mix in grated zucchini. Mix in chopped nuts. Divide batter evenly into prepared pans.

Bake cake until tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 35 minutes.  Cool cake completely in pans.
-Prepare frosting-
Remove pans and bring to room temperature. Frost each layer as you add it to the cake plate.  Spread remaining frositng on the sides of the cake.

Louis Vuitton S.S 2010 Shade

This summer better be amazing or I want a Refund!!

Sue Devitt Eye Intensifier Pencils GIVEAWAY

hey ladies, as you know I write for as well as DTY, and I didn't wanna leave all my DTY ladies hanging. They're having a giveaway over there. So i'm posting the link here, and you just follow the directions!

BUT hurry! the giveaway ends tomorrow at 5pm SHARP!

Good luck!

It's Snow Fun Layout

For some readers this winter has been filled with harsh, blustery weather. There has been an abundance of snow and ice, wintery winds and snow days for school children. And though most adults find the wintery weather tedious, children have ideas of their own on what to do with the white stuff.  In that spirit I designed this layout, It's Snow Fun, for Custom Crops.

The cut file uses only two Cricut cartridges, Winter Woodlands and Everyday Paper Dolls, and is available for download at Custom Crops at THIS link.  Full instructions for cutting and assembling the layout are available.  

You should note that this layout uses the mini gel pen holder and mini gel pens to create the blue outline snowflakes.  For those who have not used the mini gel pen holder, you remove the blade housing from your Cricut and replace it with the gel pen holder.  Your Cricut will then draw any image that you would normally cut.