Birthday Cake Card for BBTB2

Happy Monday and happy Memorial Day to those in the USA.  You may have arrived here from fabulous Theresa's blog if you are following the monthly Bitten by the Bug 2 blog hop.  If you are just dropping by, continue on the blog hop when you leave my blog - after you enter the BLOG CANDY giveaway.  This week's challenge cut at Bitten by the Bug 2 is  the birthday cake from the Celebrations cartridge.  I love this birthday cake - it is one of my favorite cake cuts.  And even though there are newer birthday cartridges, I still love this "go to" original Cricut birthday cartridge!

I designed my card in Cricut Design Studio, welding two of the cake shadow cuts to create the base card and cut the card in aqua Bazzill cardstock.  I used the Hide Select Contour feature and removed the cut space inside the tray legs on the the shadow, creating a solid, one piece shadow cut.  Using Imaginisce B-day Bash line I cut a base layer in chocolate birthday candle cardstock.  I build the rest of the cake on the chocoate birthday candle layer.

The top layers of the cake was created in three layers: back layer in lime green Core'dination cardstock, main cake layer in Imaginisce B-day Bash cardstock, and gold tray layer cut in metallic cardstock.  After affixing the three laters together I tied a length of red Imaginisce ribbon around the cake and added the Happy Birthday phase (cut from the Batman cartridge) to the front of the cake.  I then used pop dots and attached the cake to the base card.

I cut the background cake layer in smooth white cardstock and affixed it inside the card and added another Happy Birthday cut.  This is the perfect surface the shape on which to write a personal birthday message.
To finish the front of the card I added two of the three candles from the cake cut.  I also added an Imaginisce cardstock embellishment birthday cake to the top of the cricut cake - turning my cake into a four tiered cake!!  The cake was then blinged out with various sizes of gems.

Did I mention BLOG CANDY and blog hop???  Thanks to the AMAZING CUSTOM CROPS I have wonderful blog candy to offer you!  How about a $20 gift voucher for shopping at Custom Crops???  I would love that so I bet you would too!  All you have to do to be entered into the random drawing for the blog candy is
1. Be a follower of this blog, and
2. Leave a comment under this post.  
I will be posting the winner on Thursday.

When you finish the blog hop you may want to hop by Custom Crops and check out all of their new in stock items.  You may also be interested in their DVD, Cricut for Beginners, a wonderful DVD which teaches you to use all of the features on your Cricut.

Now that you have enjoyed (??) my blog post, you have become a blog follower, left your comment below and taken note of the Custom Crops it is time to continue on to the next stop on the blog hop.  You are off to see the lovely Penny of PenniAnnie's. Enjoy the rest of the blog hop and if you have not already done so, please drop by Bitten by the Bug 2 look at all of the design team projects.

Graduation Layout for Shelby's Scrapbook

Today I have a quick layout to share with you.  These are the final two pages in Shelby's scrapbook, which will be filled in later with photos from her graduation.  Shelby's school colors are royal blue and white, but as anyone who tries to purchase graduation cardstock knows, most of the scrapping products are black and white, gray and white, or silver and white.  I had a few pieces of graduation paper and cardstock leftover from Ian's senior year scrapbook so I shared with Michelle. 

To the basic gray, black and white graduation colors we added royal blue and white embellishments.  We used two cartridges to cut the Cricut elements on these two pages - Calligraphy for the phrase "Graduation 2011" and Everyday Paper Dolls for the graduation cap.  Both Happy Graduation and grad caps appear on a number of other cartridges, I simply chose these two because I like them.  But if you do not have either of these cartridges do not worry, similar cuts can be found on several other cartridges.

I added floral swirl die cuts to each page - cutting in half a large flower to use half on each page.  The die cut is one that I have had for a while - the last of a series of die cut flowers I purchased a few years ago at Convention.

I added a few rub-ons to the pages - See the "So happy" embellishment above and the phrase "Celebrate You" on the last photo.  I also created a layered blue and white flower to add a bit of girliness to the page!!

Here is a final look a the two pages.  Click on the photos to see them larger.

I will be back tomorrow with one more graduation project to share.  I hope you have a great Friday!

Sealed with a Kiss kiss speaks your mind and the truth in your thoughts. It signifies a special gesture. Like the virgin kiss, which is like a wish… a dream? The friendly “I really like you” cheek kiss or the naughty “I want you” ear kiss. It is said that love dictates but a kiss writes the secrets of the heart. It is the passion in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness but the affection in it sanctifies it. Where the shoulder kiss and forehead kiss brings comforts and security to someone, the eye kiss to your sleeping partner shows your deep love and affection. The seductive finger kiss speaks of your desire, so does the “I want you” neck kiss when you gently nibble up and down your partner’s neck. The foot kiss can be highly erotic just like the passionate French kiss where lovers kiss through tongues. Surprisingly enough, the French calls it the English kiss. And of course for lovers far apart, the virtual kiss comes handy over the internet.

What is a kiss if it is said? A secret told to the mouth instead of the ear… A kiss is as some poets describe, a bouquet of flowers that attracts the bees, amber warmed by the hand of a girl, the perfume of fruits mellowing in their winter buds…yes all of these is a kiss. called a kiss, "nectar breathing." Shakespeare says that a kiss is a "seal of love." Others have said that a kiss is: the balm of love; the first and last of joys; the seal of bliss; love's tribute; the melting sip; the nectar of Venus; the language of love. But the fact remains… a kiss has remained; ever since Adam turned and saw Eve lying next to him… ever since the 17th century Prince Charming kissed Sleeping Beauty and woke her from her deep slumber… ever since John Rice kissed May Irwin for the first time onscreen in 1896… and ever since our own Mallika Sherawat openly declared that kissing makes her skin glow, so she loves kissing her co-stars.

A kiss has remained… as an expression of love, a tribute to love and an introduction to love… a kiss that is implanted on the ring of the Pope, a kiss which a mother plants on her child’s forehead, a kiss when lovers meet or a kiss when its time to say good bye… a kiss remains through joy, happiness, passion and through tears.

If eyes are the portals to the soul, then lips are the corridors to the mind. We react to thoughts with a smile, express love with words and intentions with a kiss… Intention that is friendly when you kiss someone on the cheek or of admiration when you kiss on their hand. A desire that is shown by kissing on the neck or ears. And of course the kiss, which the special someone gives you on your lips and whispers ‘I love you’.

Incase you want to get a little more romantic there can be a dancing kiss when you suddenly grab your partner in your arm, play romantic music, switch to a little dance and then gently start kissing. Or the trickle kiss when you take a sip of your favorite drink and trickle it slowly into your partner’s mouth while kissing. And of course the romantic teaser kiss where you start with a loving kiss on the forehead followed by a sweet short kiss on lips moving up and down the arm and further kissing on the lips till it becomes really passionate.

For the shy lovers who yet cannot approach their love, wait till the Christmas season because it brings the mistletoe custom. And the custom says that if a woman is caught standing under the sprig of mistletoe, any man has the right to kiss her, without asking her permission or begging her pardon. This is one time when social convention doses its eyes to lover's delights. For then, you can seize hold of your girl and smack her to your heart's content without being socially scorned for it.

Apart from the mistletoe custom, many other interesting customs and kissing legends exists. Tradition has it that any woman, who kisses the armor-clad statue of the 16th century Italian soldier Guidarello Guidarelli, would marry and settle down with a wonderful gentleman. It is estimated that over 5 million woman have done so. In Ireland, it is believed that any person who kisses the Blarney Stone, situated in the 15th century Blarney Castle in Cork, is said to be endowed with good fortune and the gift of eloquence. In Germany, it has been observed that those who kiss their spouse each morning earn 20 to 30 percent more income and live approximately five times longer. Since a morning kiss begins their day with a positive attitude.

But as they say, love can also be dangerous sometime. Social Practices in Indiana makes it illegal for a mustached man to "habitually kiss human beings". An amazing fact is that in Hartford, Connecticut it's illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on Sunday, and in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it's a crime to kiss a stranger. Who ever thought this sweet expression of love could be so grave.

For those who do not approve of this romantic gesture must know that kissing has some health benefits too. Reports have revealed that a one minute kiss burns 26 calories. While kissing, your heart is pumping, your pulse is racing and it becomes a great cardio-vascular workout. So next time when you plan to hit the gym, why not opt for the easier way. Kissing is great stress buster; it gives you a good-all-over feeling until and unless your partner has bad breath. Women compare it to melting butter or a splash of wave. Men describe it as vibrations at a concert. But what is the physiology behind the warm and fuzzy feelings that accompany a good kiss? It's all about dopamine, neurotransmitters, pleasure receptors and the like.
If you are still varying between the kiss-me and kiss-me-not hubbub, understand the ardor of a kiss, think of the benefits otherwise and go on.

So whether the kiss seals a betrothal, signifies respect and admiration or comforts a tearful eye, the fact remains that a kiss is a promise of a heart full of love and tenderness.

One kind kiss before we part,
Drop a tear and bid adieu;
Though we sever, my fond heart
Till we meet shall pant for you.
~ Robert Dodsley
Courtesy--Shilpi Seengal &

How Many of These Eighteen Types of Kissing Have You Tried? kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good luck, among many others. In some situations a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect or greeting, as in the case of a bride and groom kissing at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony or national leaders kissing each other in greeting, and in many other situations.

Here are 18 of the most tried-and-tested types of kissing that will make you her personal kissing buddy: 1) Stop-and-Kiss: While walking down the street, grab her playfully and abruptly stop. Pull her close, look into her eyes and kiss her long and gently while running your hands through her hair.

The kiss must be short and sweet - after all, you ARE out on the street, with people around you!

2) Suck Kissing: This is a looong kiss. You need to pucker your lips and suck gently on her lower lip to tease her or to goad her into kissing you back.

3) Nip Kissing: This is the same as Suck Kissing, but instead of sucking her lower lip, you gently nibble it.

============================================================ Earlobe Kissing: Start by kissing her neck then work your way to the back of one ear. Hold her head and entangle your fingers on her hair to help her keep her balance, as this is one of the most erotic among the types of kissing and she might just swoon. 

5) Surprise Kiss: When she’s asleep or just lying with her eyes closed, quietly approach and place a gentle kiss on her lips. You might wake her up and she might kiss you back, so you’d better be ready for a just-woke-up kiss fest. ============================================================ 6) Eyelid Kissing: When your partner is asleep or just lying with her eyes closed, gently kiss the spot below her brow bone. This is one of the most intimate of all types of kissing, aimed at the heart.

Do this to someone you have feelings for to show her that you deeply care for her. Her lips are there for the taking but you decided to kiss her eyes. Tender gestures mean a lot to women! 
 ============================================================== 7) Eskimo Kissing: Very gently rub your noses together, and hug each other while you’re at it.

============================================================= Lick-and-Blow Kissing: Lick your partner's lips, then gently blow on them - the sudden cool blast is very sensual. This works well when you’re fighting and she won’t talk - you will communicate more by kissing rather than pursuing the argument.

 9) Tickle Kiss: While French kissing, stroke your tongue across the roof of your partner's mouth to make the kiss more erotic.

============================================================== Ice Kiss: Drink something icy or pass an ice cube from your mouth to hers while French kissing. It might feel weird at first, but you get used to the feeling after a while. Best done during summer!

================================================================ Steam Kiss: This is a variation of Ice Kiss. You (or your partner) must drink hot tea, cocoa or coffee before kissing for a steamy French Kiss (literally). 

=================================================================== Fruity Kissing:
Strawberry, grapes or cherries can be eaten differently...
Just place a small piece of juicy fruit between your lips and let your partner nibble the fruit until it breaks.

This is among the most sensual of all types of kissing, a sticky kiss that needs follow-up; you can either wash up or continue French kissing… I’d choose the latter ;)
====================================================================== Sip & Kiss: Drink something sweet then dribble the liquid on her lips. Very sexy.
14) Whispering Kiss: Whisper sweet nothings while kissing her lips. She can reciprocate by whispering or kissing back.

========================================================================== French Kiss: This is the most popular of all types of kissing, and for good reason. It sends a message of desire, which can easily turn into fiery passion. This kiss is also the longest to execute, as it can be done over and over.

16) Naughty-Dog Kiss: Used on her breasts, this kiss is one of the most erotic types of kissing, perfect for stimulating her during foreplay. Allow your tongue to relax (think of a dog panting on a hot summer’s day), then starting at the base of her breast, do a large lap that finishes at the tip of her nipple with a gentle flick.

============================================================================ Deep Kiss: A kiss in which the tongue is extended deep into the partner's mouth. deep -kiss (d p k s ) v. deep kiss

 ============================================================================ Tongue kiss: This involves touching your tongue with your partner's and it can be quite a pleasant experience. A French kiss is a kiss in which one participant's tongue touches the partner's lips or tongue and usually enters his or her mouth.


Swift, sensual, playful or passionate, all these types of kissing depend on your mood and the degree of intimacy with your partner. Kissing is a wonderful way of showing your playful and cuddly side. No two kisses are ever the same, and each one feels better than the last. 

So, how do you keep kissing exciting and fun?

Deep Kiss

A sexy Deep Kiss

F5 of Good Old Days 
F5 of Good Old Days, Seales with Kiss
Sweet Kiss
Naughty Kiss

Piano Recital Layout with Quarter Note

I had such a nice time yesterday.  Michelle came over and we worked on her daughter Shelby's scrapbook.  Michelle was very close to being finished with the scrapbook, just six pages to go, which is great since she has to present the book to Shelby on Thursday night (as in - TOMORROW)!  Shelby attends a private school and the parents were asked to present their students a scrap/memory book at graduation.  I was able to help Michelle a great deal, as she was not really a scrapper.  The good news?  Well other than Shelby's book is finished - Michelle is a scrapper convert!!  She is purchasing a Cricut Expression, wants a Gypsy, and is planning to attend the CK Scrapbooking convention that Kathy, Suzanne, Pat and I attend each August!!  Whoo-hoo!!

I wanted to share this layout of Shelby's first piano recital (which also includes a photo of Shelby at her last piano recital!).  This was the first time I had used the Quarter Note cartridge.  I asked for this cartridge for a couple of years before it became a reality.  Ironically, I no longer needed it as much as I had when I was scrapping years of Marching Band photos!  But as I had begged for the music/band cartridge, I HAD to purchase the cartridge.

Quarter Note does NOT disappoint. In addition to a music note alphabet (see the welded letters below) there are a lot of music words, instruments, and symbols.  I am very happy with the cartridge, I only wish I had more opportunity to use the music cuts!

I will try to remember to photograph the other two layouts we made yesterday when I see Michelle to put the finishing touches on the book.  I am very proud of the work she has done on Shelby's book and very excited that she has embraced my favorite hobby!!!

Drake - Dreams Money Can Buy

Download: Drake - Dreams Money Can Buy | Loving this song

kicking it with keds

I love to hear interesting people stories, to find out where they come from and how they got where they are. Peggy N. is definitely an inspiration, I love her pieces.

creep ft. nina sky- You

CREEP: You [ft. Nina Sky] from Thalia Mavros on Vimeo.

Who ever has this on mp3 needs to send me the link/hook up asap. I love this song and the different styles nina sky has been trying out lately. This song is on my hit list.

Just Like Dad Father's Day Card - aka My 1st E2 Project

Yes, yes, you read that correctly - this is my first project with my E2!!!  I cut these two cut little dogs using one of the preloaded cartridges - Cricut American Alphabet.  In addition to a classic alphabet, the cartridge has other cute cuts.  Truly I had no idea what I was going to do with the pooches when I cut them, I was simply looking for a simple layered cut to test drive the machine.

I thought the dog was cut, but having no real plan I decided to cut it in two different sizes.  After assembling the layers and sitting the dogs side by side I thought they looked like a dad and his son, hence the father's day card idea. 

I used a Stampin' Up stamp for the sentiment.  I stamped the image on the card front, then I stamped it on a scrap of the same dotted cardstock and layered it over the flat stamp.  I used pop dots for the stamped sentiment as well as the two dogs.

I have a huge learning curve with the E2, but that is simply because I am soooo spoiled with my Cricut Design Studio software.  If the Cricut Craft Room doesn't add E2 and Imagine soon I may be forced to learn to really use my Gypsy.  Okay, I actually know how to use my gypsy, I simply prefer DS. 

Before I close, I do have a word or two to share about the E2.  I love the smooth sound and even cuts.  I love the guides for loading the mat!  I like so many of the features, I have a feeling that my Expression 2 and I are just starting a long, long love affair!!!!

Not Your Typical Sympathy Card

Hello everyone. I have to tell you, I have really debated with myself about posting this card. I really like how the card turned out, but I made this sympathy card for a friend and I did not want her to think I was exploiting her card or loss.
My friend Toby is an amazing woman, mother, teacher, wife, friend, and an incredible daughter. Toby's mother became ill and Toby refused to put her into a nursing home, but instead turned her own life upside down in order to care for her beloved mother. Her mother had been a pillar in Toby's life and Toby became a pillar for her mother. Toby is an example of what we should all aspire to become - completely devoted to those whom we love. I know that I have learned greatly from her example.

Toby's mother recently passed on to her eternal life and I wanted a pretty card for Toby. Toby loves dimension on cards - she is very tactile and likes touching the layers. I chose this card cut from the Cricut Circle exclusive French Manor cartridge especially for Toby. I knew she would be able to touch the flower cut over and over again. I cut the base card, then resized and cut the top layer to add dimension. I added foldered flowers over the cut flower, again for dimension as well as for additional color.

Inside the card I used an old-school wooden stamp to add a verse of scripture..... Toby lives her faith better than anyone I know so I thought she might I appreciate this reminder from Isaiah.

I know that most sympathy cards are not rosy pink with flowers and a bow, but for this lovely friend, "pretty" was perfect.

Terrific Body Paintings on Girls

Funny Stuff|Funny Scraps