Little Winter Woodlands Rabbit Happy Easter

Happy Bitten by the Bug 2 Monday blog hoppers. This week's challenge cut at BBTB2 is the Rabbit from Winter Woodlands. I had not used this rabbit cut before and I must say she is just adorable! I love the layered pieces and the potential for this cute little bunny. I used cat’s eye chalk to add depth to the edge of the top layer leg and head pieces.

I know that I have jumped the season a bit, but I combined the rabbit cut with the new Easter 2010. I used the Easter basket and eggs from the Easter cartridge, as well as the scalloped circle cut. I used my Copic markers to color the edge of the scalloped circle and to color the flowers and leaf cut out areas on the eggs and basket. I added pearl embellishments, including the black pearl for the Rabbit's eye. I used my usual black and white pens to add dotted embellies.

Do I even need to tell you that the Happy Easter cut came from the Easter cartridge???  Probably not.  I used the same chocolate brown paper for the word shadow as I used for the Rabbit, basket and bow shadows. And again I used a Copic marker on the top layer of cardstock to to match the color on the scallops.
I love the close up of the rabbit in the basket; she looks so sweet and so happy. 

The inside of the card is stamped with a curved Happy Easter stamp.  I have a confession:  I dropped the stamp as I was completing the stamp.  You will note the little smudge on the word Happy.  And finally, below is one last look at the card front.

Note:  The cut file has been added to the list of available cut files in the left column - WW & Easter Rabbit Card.

Your Watching Nylon TV

I absolutely love Sarah from El Perro Del Mar. All her songs are amazing & hypnotic. She was also featured on Nylon Free Playlist on itunes.

Beautiful People

Beautiful People Video by nina sky

Playing With New Toys

I was so happy to see UPS arrive at my door today bearing my Custom Crops order. In addition to some really pretty Valentine Paper I also received the Mother's Day cartridge. Initially I was not very excited about this cartridge, but upon closer inspection I discovered that it contains some really pretty cuts. And I discovered that it does not have to be all about mom.

As I looked at the pretty cuts, I noticed this really pretty floral vine. When I placed the cut on the mat in Design Studio I realized that when I turned the vine upside down it resembled a floral heart. Given that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I decided to make a card.

I used five colors of Core'dination cardstock to create this card: Jenni Bowlin Core Impressions embossed black, white washed red, white washed pink, plain white, and gold. I cut the shadow of the vine in plain white. I cut the vine cut twice, once in white washed red, once in white washed pink. I used scissors to trim away the flowers on the pink cut. I then attached the pink cut over the red cut. I used a 1/4 inch hole punch to create the gold flower centers. Finally I cut the tag, using the hide select contour feature, in black.

My First Glass Etch Projects

I have been so intrigued by the glass etch projects made with vinyl and Armour Etch which I have viewed at various blogs that I decided to have a go at etching.  After Christmas I purchased 9 inch tall hand blown candle sticks on close-out sale.  I thought they would be perfect for etching as there is a 1 inch rim at the top edge.  I also thought the close out price was a plus as this was a new craft for me.

I used Design Studio and Storybook to cut a design in scrap cricut vinyl I had in a drawer.  I used the negative part of the cut and applied the vinyl pieces to the glass.  I then filled in the vine-flower design with Armour Etch. 

I did not realize that the Armour Etch cream would drip, but it did.  Right down onto the bulb area in the center of the candle stick.  I tried a couple of fixes but found all attempts to deal with the drips lacking.  So finally I realized that I could etch the whole bulb area.  I am actually quite pleased with this effect.

I purchased candles at Hobby Lobby and now I am all set with cute Valentine gifts for my daughter and my son's girlfriend.

Cricut Cake Machine Cakes Sneek Peek

Have you seen what the Cricut Cake can do???  I am so impressed with what can be cut with this machine... It makes me wish I were more of a baker! This is a reprint of a Twitter photo from CHA that I wanted to share.  Yes, YES, I am enabling.....

Vans x Hellz: The intro

Everyone should know by now how I feel about Collab's. They are the up most best! Mixing two amazing things to make one out of this world piece of awesomeness. Well Hellz Bellz Callabo's is never disappointing. The Hellz Bellz vans are finally in affect, you can check out all the information on them on their own official site You can find everything there including exclusive pictures, the video Miss Lawn did on how the collab went down & where you can pick up these bad boys.

Gypsy Spot Tuesday - Super Bowl Themed Challenge

This week the Gypsy Spot is getting ready for the Super Bowl.  The challenge of the week is to use the Gypsy (or just the Cricut or the Cricut with Design Studio if do not have a Gypsy) and create a Super Bowl party themed project.  I chose to create a center piece with which to cheer on the New Orleans Saints. 

This is the first time in the history of the team that the Saints have made it to the Super Bowl.  If that wasn't reason enough to cheer on the Saints, my husband and I lived in New Orleans the first year we were married (28 years ago).  And that same year, the Saints drafted a friend from college. 

I used three different cartridges on my Gypsy to create this center piece:  Everyday Paper Dolls, George, and Sweathearts.  This was the first project made with my new blue Expression and I have to say, I was having some difficulty with the mat sliding.  If this continues to be an issue, I may have to switch back to the regular Expression.

Before I close I am going to confess that my husband is from Tennessee and Peyton Manning was quarterback for Tenn prior to being a Colt.  So in our home this Super Bowl is truly a win-win.  We will be happy no matter which team wins.  But let's be honest, the Saints made for a better center piece.  Geaux Saints!!!!

21-7 RE-launch party!

*click banner for full list of sponsors & details
Don't forget to come to the re-launch party this Wednesday for anyone living in NYC!

Cupcakes, free giveaways, happy hour, its going to be amazing!

No need to RSVP, Free entrance!

I will be at the door for an hour collecting money donations for Yele =) , and the more you donate the more raffle tickets you get to try to win one of our many giveaways!

Hope to see you there

Sweet Tooth

While shopping on Newbury Street I passed a bright store front & seen a sign that read "Sweet". O instantly thought "Got to check this out" out of curiosity. I shop on Newbury often and never seen it before. On entering the shop, there was a overwhelming scent of sugar & a eye full of pink satin cushions to sit on with a glass case filled with lots of cupcakes. They looked so good I had to get one. I picked the rose top cake and also had a Vanilla Frosting shot (Which was amazing!!). So I thought I'd share the fin with you, just in case you live in the New England area or planning to visit soon, make sure you stop by & taste some sweet treats!

In My Dreams

The ladies (Artist) Working at WAH Nails in London are amazing. This is the first shop brought to my attention that does amazing, creative, nails designs on a daily basis. I always wanted to open up a shop like this in the Boston area. Check out more idea & designs at

BBTB2 Love Stamp Cut

I am running a bit late today on getting my BBTB2 project loaded to both the BBTB2 site and to my blog.  The challenge this week was to use the Love Stamp cut from the Sweethearts cartridge.  I made this sweet valentine which includes cuts from five different cartridge:  Sweethearts, Calligraphy, Love Struck, Easter 2010 and Tie the Knot.

I used Bazzill pink bling cardstock, smooth white cardstock, one sheet of Basic Grey Sugared cardstock and two prints from SEI's Juliette line.  I love the shimmer in the SEI paper!!!

I finished off the front of the card with Prima flowers and American Crafts ribbon.  Inside I added the phrase "Be My Valentine" from the Calligraphy cartridge.  I also cut a an extra heart from Sweethearts and sweet border from Easter 2010. 

I love this couple on Love Struck.  Speaking of Love Struck, WHAT A GREAT CARTRIDGE!!!!  I am so enjoying the 2010 seasonal mini carts.  Be sure and get your before they are gone!!

My Milk Toof: Fly

New Story on My Milk Toof


Currently Reading: Twilights - Midnight Sun on PDF. I'm going to be pissed when it cuts me off!

Currently Listening: Coconute Records- West Coast

Currently Watching: Flashdance

Currently Wearing: Floral Tank, Creme Leather Bomber Jacket, Pearls, Laced Vans.

Coke & Ice

click image for full view
Esra Røise. I've been practicing daily drawing Hair and facial details in my skecthpad. Esra is really amazing. She does details so well and always adds her own style, by what she chooses to draw and how she draws it. love

Love this F%&kin Bunny

I love Fifi Lapin. I hit this site daily, because there's a new story & outfit everyday. The artist behind this overly Fashionable bunny is a inspiration because of this unique creation & all of the collaborations she involved in. Shit, I wish I could draw on a awesome outfit everyday!!


Yesterday while browsing I came across a banner that said you can recieve NYLON mag for free. After further investigation I recieved the Digital Subscription for Free for a fuckin year..whoo hooo! Check it out LIMITED TIME

Summertime: Ella & Louis

I'm in deep love with this song. The melody is so beautifully overwhelming. Add that and two beautiful voices, classic!

Nicole has been a consistent box office flop for several years now?


Now, is it because of the frozen face, or because Nicole has been a consistent box office flop for several years now? Which came first, the chicken of the egg? Because I think the audience started to leave Nicole around the time she started doing that junk to her beautiful face.

I also did a little research to see if Nicole was actually attached to these projects at some point. At one point, this past fall, she was attached to Bel Ami (with Robert Pattinson), but ended up pulling out/being fired last November. Monte Carlo is a project Nicole was not only supposed to star in, but produce. And it’s still listed on Nicole’s IMDB page, so who knows? And as for the How To Marry a Millionaire remake, Nicole is still tentatively attached to that too, according to IMDB. But I hope that one doesn’t even get made. I love the original. How the f-ck could you do better than Marilyn, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable? Seriously?


    Blame it on the Botox? After bad reviews for her stiff performance in the flop musical Nine, Nicole Kidman has been dropped from three films: Bel Mai, Monte Carlo, and a remake of the Marilyn Monroe classic How to Marry a Millionaire.

    “Nicole’s not aging gracefully, and it’s hurting her chances in Hollywood,” says Michael Levine of LCO, a public relations firm.

    But it’s not all bad - Nicole is set to star in The Danish Girl, playing the first man to get a sex change operation.


Last of the Weekend Layouts

This is the last of layouts that I will be sharing from last weekend's crop at Lake Murray (thank you Sally & Beth)!! Let me see... We featured Aaron, then Bethany... So it must be time for Ian. I must tell you that my photo stash of Ian has declined significantly since he went away to college. I am going to have to speak to him about being IN the photos he takes and posts.

The photos in this layout were from January 2009 when the Carolina Panthers were in the playoffs. I was excited that I had a reason to use the Carolina-Like Panther cut that I designed a couple of years ago.  Sadly they were destroyed by the Cardinals.... and it rained… And the quarterback threw a zillion interceptions…. OUCH. My poor guys - there they were in the rain watching their team loose. My husband assured me that except for the game the guys enjoyed their trip to Charlotte. That is one of those "huh" statements. They only went to Charlotte for the game!!! Yes they did spend the night and have dinner, etc. But they went to see the game!!!

I think the look on Aaron’s and Ian’s faces in this photo says it all - they look so annoyed with the game. I will add that Ian was better trained as a scrapper child - I not only got photos, he also brought me his game ticket to go on his page. Alas, now I would be happy to just have photos!!

And finally I will share this layout of Doug and me on New Year’s Eve. Not my best layout design, but I loved the paper. Note that the dancing couples in the back ground match my dress and Doug’s sweater. … I really did not insist that he wear that color…. Honest. This was a great set of paper that I found at Scrap Your Trip. Thanks Julie.

FOTW: Kameron Simpson

Name: Kameron Simpson
Age: 20
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California

Must have beauty items: I'm not really the make-up type. I've never had problems with my skin, so I just stick to unique eyeshadow colors, black eyeliner, and my MAC Plush Lash mascara. Throw in my Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Kiwi lip balm & some eye-popping nail polish, and I'm good to go!

Must have fashion items: As far as fashion goes, EVERYTHING in my ridiculously cramped closet is considered a "must have." Right now, I'm more into vintage pieces than every before, perhaps due to the fact that thrift shopping leaves my wallet happy & still half full. So in that case, I would have to say old school tops, skirts, dresses, and men's shirts are my essentials because they're such one-of-a-kind items that you don't have to worry about the next chick {or these days, even guys} rocking your outfit. Swag stealing is an ultimate pet peeve of mine, yet with decade-aged items, I won't have to worry about that.

Celeb inspiration: I'm not THAT into celebs. If I had to pick a handful of closets to raid, I'd have to snag a few... no a lot of things from the likes of Kelis {prior to the maternity wear}, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, the Olsens, and Beyonce.

Favorite designer: I have far too many designers that I drool over when their collections hit runways every season, yet my list will never grow tired of Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs and Alexander Wang. I'd also have to add Phillip Lim & Rachel Roy to my list because I was blessed with the opportunity to meet them at Teen Vogue magazine's "Fashion University" event last October and they were very inspiring.

Personal style: I'm like a chameleon when it comes to my personal style. Ultimately, when I'm searching for something to wear {which takes an unbelievably long time}, I base it off of what kind of statement I feel like making that day. Do I want to wear something that screams grunge/emo girl, or do I go for an ultra-fem look with a eclectic dress and sky-high heels? It all depends.

Favorite brands: Forever 21, Louis Vuitton, Oscar de la Renta, Manoush, Alexander McQueen, Diane Von Furstenburg...& many more :)

Favorite stores: Forever 21, thrift stores, Urban Outfitters, H&M, & Topshop.

New Bollywood Actress Prachi Sexy Pictures

Prachi Replaces Sexy Bips Looks like this small screen actress is going places right in the initial stages of her career. Prachi Desai aka Bani has replaced the bong bombshell Bipasha in Abbas Mustan’s next flick starring Fardeen Khan, Govinda, Genelia d’Souza and Tusshar Kapoor.