Special Treats for my Favorite Little Neighbors

Happy All Saints Day!  I am currently coming down from my Halloween sugar high and wanted to share a few things with you.  First, I am blessed with the most amazing neighbors!  Seriously, I could not begin to tell you how wonderful they are - from the retired minister next door to the family with little kids across the street.  Well, I have to confess that each Halloween I have a few favorite neighborhood goblins!

The three children across the street, the children two doors down, and my neighbor Deanna's granddaughter.  Every year I try to come up with something special for my special kids - something other than the fun size milky ways (note - I refuse to admit how many I ate!) that all of the trick or treater receive.  This year I found the cutest candy necklace kits at JoAnn's.  The kits are individually sealed and contain the material to make fun and spooky candy necklaces!

I also found giant candy corn pops for the kids!  What makes these two treats especially great is that one of my little ghouls has an egg allergy, but he can have both of these two treats!!

I tied a thick glossy black ribbon around the candy corn pops to make them a bit more special and I whipped up some quick Cricut bag toppers for the candy necklace kits.   And I will tell you that my kids and their parents liked their special treats - and their milky ways!

Above is a photo from the necklace box showing the completed project.  Below is a photo of my sassy daughter, dressed as an 80's rocker, passing out candy.  She dressed as a 40's movie star for an event last week and decided she liked the "beauty mark".  She then reminded me of all of the 80's rocker girls with beauty marks.

I grabbed a quick photo of two of my favorite neighbors - Christy and Sarah Grace!  Aren't they just adorable?  Christy's mom did a great job on her face make up!  WOW.  And Sarah Grace is the cutest kitty ever!

Remember that I have blog candy up for grabs! To register for the my blog candy give away, please leave a message under yesterday's post and be a blog follower.

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And now for a little Close to my Heart fabulousness!  Don't you just love this fabulous stamp set pictured below?  Wouldn't you love to use this stamp to create your Christmas cards? 

Our new limited time only stamp set, Holiday Wishes, can be yours for $5.00 with a $25.00 acrylic stamp purchase.  That's right, for EVERY $25.00 in stamps you purchase, you can purchase Holiday Wishes for only $5.00*.  

To begin shopping for your acrylic stamps, visit my Close to my Heart on-line store. 

*Do not try to add the new set to your shopping cart, you will be prompted during check out to add the bonus purchase.