Priyanka Chopra Snubs Voting, parties hard

While Priyanka Chopra urged citizens to go out and cast their vote, she herself gave voting a slip and preferred to stay back home and party instead.Priyanka's threw a party at her Versova residence on Thursday night, which was so rocking that the cops had to be called in not once but twice!

Says a guest present at the party, "The music being played was very loud and caused inconvenience to the neighbours who called the cops when they saw no signs of the party getting over even post midnight.

The first time the cops left with a warning, but the second time they ensured that the music was turned down. They only left after Sunny Dewan promised them that the sound decibels would be kept in check."

Great Gerard

The party finally got over around 5 am though Gerard Butler (the guest of honour) and his group of friends stayed back.

"Everyone was charmed by Gerard. He's down-to-earth and friendly and his gang buddies was great fun too. Gerard appeared to be a teetotaler as he neither smoke nor drank. Throughout the night he sipped only water."

The source adds, "Although there have been rumours about Priyanka and Butler, its utter rubbish. With Shahid on one side and Gerard on the other, Priyanka didn't look uncomfortable at all. In fact, Shahid and Gerard were seen chatting and Shahid mingled with everyone."

Media manhandled

The photographers and TV journalists that had gathered under the actresses' building to cover the party were not only refused to shoot pictures but were also rudely pushed around by the security. Hence, they stood outside Chopra's gates in silent protest from 8 pm to 4 am.

Guests list
Shah Rukh-Gauri
Imran Khan-Avantika
Farah and Shirish Kunder
Tarun Mansukhani
Farhan Akhtar
Suzanne Roshan
Parmeshwar Godrej