Meet Miss World 2011 Contestant - Mexico - Gabriela PALACIO DIAZ DE LEON

Miss World 2011 - Mexico - Gabriela PALACIO DIAZ DE LEON


Age : 22
Height : 176
Languages : Spanish & English


Gabriela is studying marketing and media communications at University and hopes to specialise in multimedia so that one day she can create her own enterprise. Gabriela loves Mexican and Japanese food and enjoys taking part in folkloric traditional dance competitions in her spare time.


Tell us a little something about your Country ?

Mexico is a symbol of greatness, impregnated with culture, history and tradition where family and values are the spine. We have five different types of weather and great biodiversity.

Future ambitions ?

Having my own enterprise and creating a family full of love and values.

Describe yourself

I am humble, honest, determined and brave. I am someone who believes in the greatness of human kind.

Personal Motto?

Dream big, work hard and never stop loving.

Favourite food ?

I love Mexican and Japanese food.

Favourite Music / Books ?

I enjoy reading: poetry, science fiction, novels, political speeches and fairy tales. My favourite writers are Isabel Allende, Paulo Coelho, and Oscar Wilde. I love the speech given by Queen Elizabeth I to her troops. I love all kinds of music.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have an English Sheepdog called Nana, and one 3 year old horse called Califa.

What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

I was 13 years old, my father and I were returning home from the ranch after work and he was teaching me how to drive the truck. I will never forget that day because I did not feel afraid of driving even though it was raining. I could see a beautiful pink and orange sunset on the horizon.

Special Talents ?

Opera singing, writing poetry and acting.

Any other interesting facts ?

I love nature and animals.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)