Lindsay Hayward Aloisia Biggest Female Wrestler

Lindsay Hayward or known as Isis the Amazon now was known as the biggest female wrestler in the world with 6 ft 9 in. (206 cm) height and 240 lb (109 kg) weight. nowadays lindsay or isis the amazon was entering WWE Lindsay Hayward is a 23-year-old woman born in Walnut Creek, CA who is now known as a professional wrestler in the U.S.

Her story began early in the childhood when, because of the abnormal height ( 6ft 9ins at the age of 13 ) and the wickedness of others , Lindsay began to drink on her own, only making it worse. At the age of 16, during a fight with another girl, Lindsay lifted her off the ground and then threw her into a brick wall. Not long after, she left home and started a career as a model, where we can see that she began to have a good feeling about the way her body looked.

Lindsay Hayward began her professional wrestler career in June 2008, at which point she started to train hard at the gym, eating 5oz of chicken every two hours in order to build muscle and gain strength. Known by the fans as Isis, the 109Kg female signed a contract with WWE ( World Wrestling Entertainment ) in the summer of 2010 under which Lindsay received a new stage name, Aloisia, and she was going to be part of their NXT show. But, with this amazing debut very close to her, on September 15th 2010, Vickie Guerrero announced that the contract between the two parties ( Lindsay Hayward and WWE ) ended. The reason seems to be some pictures taken, according to Lindsay, 5 years ago. Due to her giant size as a female now aloisia or lindsay hayward or known as Isis the Amazon start to wrestle against man.

Here's another picture of Lindsay Hayward or Isis the Amazon on WWE.

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