Biggest Coffee Producers

My cup of coffee can come from one of the 5 biggest coffee producers in the world but can also come from 48 other countries that produce coffee.

from w. commonsThe biggest world producer is Brazil, who makes about 15% of the coffee global market. It is said that most coffee imported in the United States comes from this country. The majority of Brazil exports are known as Brazilian Naturals which is an unwashed Arabica. The best beans are Bourbon Santos and Bahia.

Some experts speak about the quantity taking over quality in Brazilian production of coffee. Also, International Coffee Organization says that "bad weather (...) could affect production quality" for the year of 2010/2011.

After Brazil comes Vietnam which, for the second consecutive year has placed itself in a second position, taking Colombia's place. Vietnam produces mostly Robusta, which is the cheapest coffee bean for importers.  Then comes Indonesia (with Java and Sumatra), Colombia (with its Colombian Milds, the best beans in the world, according with coffee specialists, mostly known for Bogota, Medellin and Supremo)  and ...another surprise...India, taking Mexico's 5th place. India's most known beans are Mysore and Monsooned Malabar.

The 5 biggest coffee producers are (for 2009/20010)
1. Brazil - 39 470
2 Vietnam - 18 000
3. Indonesia - 10 700
4. Colombia - 9 000
5. India - 4 827
The numbers represent thousands of bags 1 bag of coffee = 152.12 lb or 69 kg.
 Other producers:
Africa: Cameron, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Asia & Oceania: Papua New Guinea, Thailand
Mexico and Central: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua
South America Ecuador, Peru

The coffee industry classifies the beans into four groups: Colombian Milds, Other Milds, Brazilian Naturals and Robusta. The top three are actually Arabica coffee.
There are 2 species of coffee largely produced in 53 countries around the world: Coffea arabica or Arabica Coffee and Coffea Canephora or Robusta Coffee. There are notable differences between these 2 species of plants like the roots depth, the temperature they best mature, the amount of beans they yield, the caffeine content of the bean and many others.
The best known Arabica are Blue Mountain (Jamaica and Kenya), Mundo Novo (Brazil), Kent (India), Catuai (Brazil).
The type of coffee produced in 2009:
Arabica coffee leads with 73.092 bags
Robusta produced 50.054 bags

natural roast coffee

from w. commons
from w. commons

The world consumption of coffee is steady increasing with 2 million of bags (of coffee) per year. that is almost 2% of the annual number.
The biggest consumers are: (in kilogrammes per capita) 1kilogram = 2.2 pounds
#1 can you believe it?
1. Luxembourg - 25.55
2. Finland - 12.62
3. Switzerland - 9.15
4. Norway - 8.99
5. Sweden - 8.28
US consumption is 4.17, on the same level with Spain or Portugal. For comparison here are Italy, with 5.98, Japan with 3.33, Canada with 5.80, and Romania with 3.79. Russian Federation has one of the lowest percentage, only 1.58, on the same level as Ireland and Poland.